Day 2 (Planning Day)

Had an alright night last night, first time I slept all night. Getting used to the cabin now, and loving living with everyone.
As usual I loved Ben’s breakfast.

We set off at about 8:15am today, got to the university and most of the students were already there.

Today we were supposed to be recording for our radio show, but we forgot the audio recorders at home. That seemed like a let down but, it allowed us to work on the structure of our show. We had 2 new people join our group which was great. So the audio group had me, lola, noah, frank, noel, akuya and vigilance. Vigillance and Akuya had decided to be the hosts of the show, and everyone was more that happy with that. I put together to structure of the show which everyone agreed on, and Noel got the nutritionist we would interview for the show. Everything was starting to come together.

Due to the fact that we forgot our equipment, Shikuku had organised for us to go to the university’s radio station to record. We got there and it was an absolute waste of time because we ended up waiting there for about 45mins and no one attended to us. At the end of the day, I decided that we should just go back to our room, and we just record tomorrow when we have our equipment.

As usual there was traffic home. Lol. We decided to stopover at a supermarket to get some dinner. I had some pilau rice and beans which Oscar introduced me to. It was quite Yum!

Was so pleased to be back at our stopover so I could chill and relax for the evening.


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